11-15 September 2024 | Portugal

by and for the regenerative ecosystem

are you passionate about

re-inventing culture ​& society?

The Gathering Of Tribes 2024 brings together

  • Impact start-ups
  • Change makers
  • Social entrepreneurs
  • Community builders
  • Investors
  • Systems thinkers
  • Artists, creators, performers
  • Scientists
If you re ready to build solutions to create a global regenerative society join the Gathering of Tribes 2024
Dreamy Pale Holographic Gradient
Gradient Squiggles, UI Buttons, and Background Squiggle

what is

The Gathering?

A new kind of event designed for a new era.

A co-created conference & festival bringing together ​impact ​entrepreneurs, change makers, activists and ​community builders across ecosystems. A festival to ​celebrate the regenerative ecosystem and to connect for ​action.

Join the Gathering to build your purpose-driven initiative, ​impact business, village or community. Learn, be inspired, ​dance, celebrate. Connect with potential team members, ​partners, collaborators, mentors and supporters. Start ​projects and build collaborations to create change in the ​world.


Each ticket holder is considered a co-creator of the Gathering. By ​purchasing a ticket, you buy into this experiment and are invited to ​think through what you would like to bring to this event: a workshop, ​an activity, a piece of art, music, a stand... Your imagination is the limit!

Joining any of the camps, you will gain access to the entire event ​location, be able to enjoy public activities as well as the private camp-​member activities.

Share, anything that enables you to show and explore why, who, how ​and what your tribe is about, share questions as much as answers, ask ​for help, as well as offering it. Design sessions to connect you with ​people, partners, ideas, questions and answers.



Ecosystem Building

& Network ​Weaving

Language Icon


& dialogue

Think tanks



vector icon case study, management icon


Case clinics

Balanced program of being and doing mind and body
Ying Yang Symbol Icon
Conference Icon


Teamwork Icon




Wellness ​Meditation



the how

what is a camp?

A camp is your temporary home at the gathering. A place to sleep, eat, relax, ​meet; a place to host activities & events.

choosing your camp

Selecting the camp you want to be a part of means that you are making a ​meaningful choice about the regenerative theme that you are most passionate ​about, the people you are most excited to co-create with and the sub-culture ​you most identify with.

Gradient Squiggles, UI Buttons, and Backgrounds Oblong
Grainy overlay SVG
Gradient Squiggles, UI Buttons, and Backgrounds Oblong

get your ticket

join a camp

~ 150€

Browse through the camps that have committed to the Gathering and ​buy a ticket to the one that you resonate with the most.

Camp ticket prices vary as each camp offers a unique, customised ​experience for its participating co-creators.


  • Camping spot near your camp
  • Access to community kitchens
  • Access to your camp’s activities
  • Access to public activities
  • Meals (depending on the camp)

Not included:

  • Meals (depending on the camp)
  • Glamping (book separately, for additional price)
  • Transport costs

Gradient Squiggles, UI Buttons, and Backgrounds Oblong


We understand, it’s important to know who will be there.

Our network of camp builders is growing every day: get in touch if you ​want to join the ecosystem!


Credits: re:build 2021


The gathering will take place in Portugal, north of Porto at a magical ​location, a forest paradise called The Garden. Located a 40mn drive ​from Porto airport and a 5mn drive from the village Deocriste. From ​Porto airport you can take an Uber or car-share.

Location pin for the venue will be disclosed to ticket holders.


Camping is included in your ticket price. Camping gear not provided ​but you can reach out to us at if you ​wish to rent it.

Local hotels and guest houses are available through Airbnb or ​ although we do recommend to stay on the land for a ​deeper experience. You can look for hotels nearby the village of ​Deocriste, a short drive from the land.


There will be food vendors on-site, selling organic, local, nourishing ​meals with vegetarian, vegan and raw options at inclusive prices ​(approx. 7€ for a meal).

There will be community kitchens available on-site (cooking ​equipment not provided, bring your own or share with your ​neighbours).

Due to local fire regulations, you will not be able to cook in your ​camp but will be asked to use the community kitchens instead.

the land

The Gathering of Tribes 2024 will take place in a private ​22 acre-forest estate close to Ponte de Lima, 40min ​north from Porto airport, offering easy access and an ​immersive experience into nature.

Amenities available on-site: parking, community ​kitchens, showers and bathrooms, access to drinking ​water, (limited) electricity, indoors spaces, campsite, ​glamping (at extra cost), a lake to swim in, a forest to ​walk through and much to explore.

forest icon
Meal Icon
Food Vendors
Car Parking Sign Vector
gas stove icon
Community Kitchens
Camping Glamping
Gathering spaces
Electric Socket Plug Icon
Vector Image

policy & conditions

As dictated by Portugese regulations and requirements of the venue hosting Gathering of ​Tribes 2024 we need to require all participants to agree to the following policies.


Fire is ABSOLUTELY forbidden.

Fire risk is HIGH on the land, so ​please don’t put yourself or others at ​risk and protect the space and the ​people around you. ​We have organised food vendors and ​community kitchens for you to use. ​Bring your gas cookers and utensils!


No pets are allowed on the land.

If you have a service pet, please ​reach out to us prior to arriving at the ​venue at ​


We ask you to:

  • Avoid making your basic necessitiesin nature please make sure you ​always use the several toilets ​distributed along The Garden.
  • Avoid to cut or destroy any kind of ​living tree or plant.
  • Avoid to kill or arouse on purpose ​any kind of lifeform.
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Gradient Squiggles, UI Buttons, and Background Squiggle
connect for action

why gather?

Humanity is in the depths of a polycrisis, on the verge ​of a great transformation. Where do we want this ​transformation to take us? The tribes - companies, ​communities, villages, DAOs - of the regenerative ​ecosystem are building a new society, a new ​relationship with the Earth. How do we support their ​growth and scale their impact?

The goal of the Gathering of Tribes is to strengthen ​the regenerative ecosystem, its tribes and the ​connections between them by creating a time to ​gather in nature, celebrate, and build a culture of ​meaningful dialogue, mutual learning, peer support ​and connecting for action.

Black Gradient Shade
our vision

catalyse the emergence of a

regenerative ecosystem

of collaboration

Credits: re:build 2021

Black Gradient Shade
Black Gradient Shade
Black Gradient Shade

our DNA

The Gathering is an autumn harvest festival a time to ​celebrate but equally a time to prepare for the work ahead.

Gradient Squiggles, UI Buttons, and Background Slide Arrow
Gradient Squiggles, UI Buttons, and Background Slide Arrow


The Gathering is inspired by conferences ​and unconferences, medieval fairs, ​indigenous tribal gatherings, tradeshows, ​music festivals, concious festivals and ​burningman.

Sensing the needs of our ecosystem we ​learn from gatherings ancient and modern ​to create a new gathering for a new era. A ​safe container for a community-size ​experiment in bottom-up co-creation.

  • Camps and participants co-create the ​programme
  • Co-creation all the way down: from the ​core organisation to the camps and all ​the elements between.


ecosystem weaving

We take the widest view of regeneration to ​include all movements seeking to re-​imagine and re-invent human life: how we ​build businesses, how we build homes, how ​we grow food. Re-thinking our relationship ​to the planet our beliefs and paradigms.

The Gathering showcases the diversity of ​the changemaker movements by bringing ​together a wide range of organisations ​including villages, companies, communities, ​DAOs, not-for-profits, art collectives and ​spiritual groups.

We invite all movements re-inventing ​human life.

connect for action

The Gathering is a serendipity catalyst, a ​high-energy collisional space to meet, ​inspire, learn, to share needs and offers, in ​service of moving towards collaboration. ​Whether to build or find your tribe, find ​team or project members, build your ​community, career or company, find co-​founders, clients and friends, The Gathering ​gives you access to the people you need, ​and the people who know the people...

With every connection we ask “what’s the ​next best thing we can do together”? And ​we have an app to support this.

We invite you into a culture of ‘connecting ​for action’

Gradient Squiggles, UI Buttons, and Backgrounds Oblong
Yin Yang Symbol Illustration


The only way to build a deep and ​meaningful relationships is through a ​balance of being and doing together.

We capture this energy through art, music, ​dancing, singing, running, meditating, ​circling building a regenerative culture of ​being together.

We invite you to a joyous celebration of ​regenerative life.

in nature

Rethinking our relationship to the ​biosphere is at the heart of regeneration so ​The Gathering is in a forest.

Outdoor spaces invite spontaneous ​interaction: not limited by rooms and lines ​of buildings, conversation flows, ​connections are made with ease.

In nature we feel connected to our roots, ​we are calmer and more creative. It is only ​from this mind space that the regenerative ​culture flows.

We invite nature as a co-host and guide.

nurturing tribes

The Gathering is a transformational event ​for companies, communities, villages, DAOs ​- the organisations building the ​regenerative era.

The Gathering inspires organisations to ask:

  • What do we need from the ecosystem?
  • Who do we want to connect with?
  • What role do we play in the ecosystem?
  • How can we contribute to the ​ecosystem?

Ask not what you can do for The ​Gathering, ask what The Gathering can do ​for you!

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Credits: The Garden 2023

Sparkle Oval Monoline Frame

“At the heart of ​regeneration in all fields is ​the potential for us to heal ​the ongoing story of ​separation – between ​humans and nature, and ​humans and humans – which ​both pervades our world and ​manifests through our ​ongoing ecological, social ​and economic crisis.”

The Power Of Place

Regenerative Place-Making For Systemic Changemakers

Jenny Andersson

Credits: re:build 2021

Gradient Overlay Element


11-15 September 2024 | Portugal

by and for the regenerative ecosystem

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