
MVP app overview

overview of app to support more effective connection making at in-person events

We present the concept for an app to support richer, more effective way of ​connecting with people at in-person events.




going from conversation to connection is highly ineffective

  • meeting multiple people and having multiple conversations makes it near impossible ​to remember the context/meaning each connection
  • there is no standardised culture or protocol of creating a promise of follow-on ​action
  • there is no support system for follow-up of connections made
  • there is no way of sharing real-time connection feed with your tribe/organisation
  • existing networks (WhatsApp/Telegram/etc.) provides no way of attaching ​semantic information or notes to a connection

But in-person connections are immensely valuable - we’re wasting HUGE resources ​by not ensuring effective follow-on.

the MVP

three screen app





make connection

scan QR code, select action, make connection

  1. show/scan QR code
  2. select action and topic & take selfie
  3. record audio describing the action

recorded for every connection:

who - the players inthe connection

topic - which ideaspace is it?

action - what kind of action is promised?

selfie - photo of people making the connection

voice note - recording giving detailed information




a real-time feed of connections made

  • creates visibility for connections as they are ​made
  • enables both tribes to become involved
  • allows people not present at the event to ​follow connection flow
  • discussion threads can be started around the ​connection

connections published in discord to:

  • private message with both sides
  • each person's camp discord channel
  • topic discord channel

TBD: public sharing

  • share as an Instagram story

connection follow-up

support connections turning into action

  • send automated reminders to follow-up a ​connection
  • send survey to find out how many connections ​turned into action
  • thematic follow-up
    • conversations week
    • webinars to support project starts

back-end scripts which will be ​developed based on data mining after ​The Gathering to send follow-up message​s in disc​ord and via email:

  • private message​ with both sides
  • each person's camp​ discord channel
  • topic​ discord channel

analytics & impact

demonstrate event impact

  • show how many connections are being created
  • analyse type of connections being created
  • survey to see how many connections are being ​followed-up
  • daily reports of connections

daily analytics:

  • connections per type
  • connections per topic
  • connections per person

impact metrics:

  • same as above for whole event
  • AI summaries based on voice2text
  • follow-up analytics


create energy to connect

daily challenges:

  • today make a connection to do X ​with someone
  • in next 1 hour connect with ​someone from camp X
  • quests - a series of connections
  • by creating games and challenges
  • gamification of connection making
  • encourage introverted people to make connections
  • promote connections around specific topics or ​actions

For MVP we will share these invitation to play as text ​messages, future possibilities for gamification are ​HUGE!




playing with connection

we creatively use connection for additional functionality at The Gathering

Given we have this basic collaboration atom of connection, and the app ​supporting it, we want to use it creatively to express different activities...

connect with location

connection with a physical location

  • physical location displays printed QR code
  • scanning allows you to connect with the location

creative use makes possible different ​scenarios:

  • ticket check at entrance gate
  • connect to a camp
  • announce instant-meet


connect as ticket check

  • entrance displays QR code
  • participants scans QR code with their phone and ​clicks “create connection”

this process lets us

  • onboard participants onto the app right at the gate
  • verifies they are able to log into the connect for ​action system i.e. that they have access i.e. that they ​have bought a ticket

key points:

  • enables live analytics on number of ​people who have entered event
  • being logged into the system ​connects with being ticket holder, ​reducing number of systems to ​maintain
  • need to have working WiFi at gate
  • need to be prepared for system-​down (print-out list of ticket ​holders?)

camp welcome

similar mechanics to gate check-in

  • camp catalyst has a welcome QR code
  • participants scans QR code with their phone and ​clicks “create connection”

key points:

  • camp participants know who has ​arrived

pop-up meet-up

I’m here now, join me to talk about topic X

Given that probably social-layer will not be able to ​implement this feature, we enable it as follows:

  • specific meet-up locations have a QR code
  • anyone can scan location QR code and by ​creating a connection start a “pop-up meet-up”
  • announcement published on discord channels for ​location and topic

key points:

  • need clear signs at location.
  • will people use it?
  • who knows, but it will be a cheap ​test to see if we can build behaviour

connect to camp

connect with a camp

  • camps have a QR code
  • scan location QR code and connect-for-action ​with a camp
  • could be used with commitments by camp ​members to do things for a camp?

Do we have camp-specific actions?

key points:

  • need clear ​signs at location.
  • w​ill people use it?
  • who knows, but ​it will be a cheap test​ to see if we can build behaviour

morning/daily checkin

get a regular checkin from all participants

  • a finger on the pulse of the gathering

key points:

  • enables gathering a life stream of ​sentiment of the gathering
  • can take and produce for social ​media

treasure hunt

only those who find the code join the secret society!

  • hide qr codes with questions on the land and only by ​finding it and connecting with it can you become ​part of that discord channel

key points:

  • connect physical experience with a ​digital experience
  • turn The Gathering into a proper AR ​experience!


a testimonial from people on leaving

  • QR code at the gate to collect a thought from ​everyone as they are leaving

key points:

  • a great way for everyone to say ​goodbye to everyone
  • enables gathering a stream of warm ​testimonials
  • can produce for social media


future thoughts

where is this going?

clearly this is a feature not an app...

We hope that soon we will not need this as a stand-alone app because:

  • we inspire event apps to include this as standard functionality

social layer, looking at you especially

  • we predict the rise of collaboration networks as the next phase of evolution after ​social networks and these will be based on a richer functionality for creating ​promises and agreements





minimal app, discord for identity, notification, reports, etc.

  • discord is used for all notification posts and ​communications
  • minimal web-app which just records information
  • login via discord
  • use smartphone built-in QR code scanner for reading ​connection QR code
  • google firebase firestore for database
  • google firebase storage for images & audio clips

see implementation spec:




11-15 September 2024 | Portugal

by and for the regenerative ecosystem

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